Here is the information about claiming your profile.
This is currently focused on FAQs.
How do I claim?
You can fill out the form at Once you have done that, we will review your information. Should we think that you are the official rep of the project and the project is a fit, you will get an email to have your onboarding call.
See also our and our on our main site. What can I do when I have claimed my profile?
At any point, you will be able to log into your account and make ‘suggestions’ to the Grids Internal team. As soon as these are processed, our API endpoint will update and the data is available for our API users.
How does The Grid process my suggestions?
It comes into our data pipeline, and we review them to see if it meets our criteria. The simple version of what this is, is included at . Why should I claim?
We have built this, so other data platforms can get accurate data from one place. With so many data streams available for pricing and on chain data, we are filling the gap for ‘off chain data’ otherwise known as ‘metadata’.
The acts as a form of ‘permalink’ where you can share this page with other people who are interested in verifying your information with others.